Posting Schedule
The first thing you really need to do before creating any content is determine a posting schedule. This gives you a set number of content slots to fill each and every week. At the beginning of a quarter, sit down with your planner and attempt to fill every single one. Here’s how.
Determine Concrete Coverage
Concrete coverage are things you kind of HAVE to cover. Your concrete coverage will likely differ from mine, because our audiences are different and our brands are in different industries. Some examples of concrete coverage:
- major holidays
- start of new seasons
- shopping events (ecommerce)
- business anniversary
- industry events
Fill In The Gaps
When you have all your concrete coverage entered into your ed cal, it’s time to fill the gaps with other post ideas! Look at your planner – do you have any upcoming events or launches that you could work into your content?
Poll Your Audience
If you have slots to fill, just ask your audience, usually on IG stories, for some help. This helps to get you out of writer’s block or give you fresh ideas!Since they’re going to be the ones reading it, it should be something they actually want to read.